A detailed analysis of digital participation portals in Slovenia, as well as the development of the legal situation regarding digital public participation before and after the COVID-19 pandemic, can be found in the Slovenian country report (in Slovenian) and in an English UfU-publication, which was written together with our Slovenian project partner (PIC – Legal Centre for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment).
Visualisation & maps
Slovenia does not have a standardised EIA portal, but there are three online portals that have the functions of EIA portals. One of these is the Spatial Information System (Prostorski informacijski sistem). The spatial information system provides a graphical representation of all ongoing EIA procedures in Slovenia. Each procedure on the map has a link with the administrative number of the specific procedure and the competent institution carrying it out.

Source: Screenshot of the Slovenian spatial information system. General overview of the building permit.